There are a lot of methods in the market to print but there are few that can match the quality and durability of UV printing. It has also risen to prominence due to its less environmental impact and the amazing quality of colors that it provides.
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The type of ink used in ultraviolet printing is pretty distinct from the one used in other conventional methods. Ultraviolet printing does not use simple liquid ink but rather a dual-state product that is bound to stay in its liquid form until it is not exposed to ultraviolet light. The light has to be applied to the ink so it dries easily.
When Is UV Printing The Right Choice?
1) When The Environmental Impact Is A Concern
Yes, you heard it right, ultraviolet printing is much more environment friendly than any other process of ink printing. It is mainly because the process of UV printing minimizes the evaporation and therefore the emission of volatile organic compounds into the air is pretty less when compared to other forms of the inking process. The process of drying the ink through evaporation is the main culprit behind environmental impacts but the UV printing uses a method known as a photo mechanical process which is far less damaging than the other processes therefore it is a perfect choice for anyone concerned about the environmental impacts due to it.
2) When It’s A Rush Job
UV printing is a much quicker process in comparison to its other alternates. It is mainly because there is no waiting for the evaporation process to complete in this printing method. The drying process of ink is completely different from UV printing which makes it pretty convenient for anyone who is in a rush to get the product out on the market. it does not only save you a lot of time but also ensures that you get the quality product out in the market much more quickly.
3) When A Specific Look Is Desired
UV printing is a perfect method to be bought in use when someone needs a specific look. Whether it’s a sort of satin look made on a coated stock or a look made on an uncoated stock that looks pretty sharp and crisp. Many other specific demands can be made while using this method of printing. One should talk to the printing expert to ensure that a certain requirement could materialize with this method of printing.
4) When Smudging Or Abrasion Is A Concern
Abrasion is not much of a concern with the process of UV printing. It is mainly because the printing dries quickly and the piece is ready instantly to be processed. The UV coating also prevents it from any abrasion concerns.
5) When Printing On Plastic Or Non-Porous Substrates
The UV printing has to quality to dry straight on the very surface of the material. So printing becomes possible even on material that can’t be used with the traditional printing method.
We at machine plates online provide one of the best name plates manufacturers and UV Cured printing. We would be glad to make you aware more about this method and provide the best services.
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